Why Is Skin So Dry Even After Moisturize ?

It commonly exists in winter. Proper care is the only way to prevent skin dryness and cracking.

Hand washing is important to kill germs, in colds, and flu. But if somebody cleans their skin many times, it can damage your skin and leave your skin dry. Dry skin is a common disease, It commonly exists in winter. Proper care is the only way to prevent skin dryness and cracking. Sometimes, it is very difficult to find the exact cause of dryness even after moisturizer. If the skin is dry, try a good moisturizer, even try an anti-aging moisturizer.

skin care
skin care for beauty

Symptoms of Dry Skin

There are different reasons given below for skin dryness even after moisturizing.

Dry Skin Remedies in winter

1) Over-cleaning 

Cleaning of skin is the basic thing in daily routine but sometimes overcleaning of skin can affect your skin seriously. Try this thing once a day or twice a day. Sometimes, some cleaning soaps or other facewash products have some dry ingredients in the products is the main reason for dryness in the skin. There are some kinds of sulfates and acids ingredients in the products. Choose a better product before using the products.

2) Use of Hot Water

Everyone wants to take a shower with hot water, especially in water, but hot water is responsible for the dryness of skin and hair. If somebody is already suffering from dryness on the body as well as the face, then you should avoid too much hot water. Otherwise, it can increase the dryness. Your skin looks ugly like an old age senior citizen.

3) Spending more time in the water

If you are staying in water for a long time, they may dry out your skin. Take a shower just for 10-15 minutes. Also, take a shower once a day. If you are spending a lot of time in swimming pools, oceans, and lakes, that is responsible for skin dryness. The chlorinated water in swimming pools can damage natural skin oil in your body. If you want to reduce skin dryness, Try to reduce your time in water.

4) Effect of chlorinated water

After spending less time in water and even taking a quick shower. You are still feeling dryness in the skin due to the chemical ingredients available in the water. There is a lot of magnesium and calcium found in the water. The presence of these minerals in water means that water is unable to wash the soap, then things are still available on the skin and responsible for dryness and irritation on the skin.

5) Products with more Fragrance.

It is impossible to reveal this truth here, about perfumes and scented body products that seriously irritate skin. The fragrances are manufactured by different chemical reactions and these chemicals are responsible for irritation on the skin of a body. Some amounts of alcohol are also available as chemicals in the fragrances. This king alcohol can seriously dry the skin as well. If you are feeling dryness in your skin, you must switch to a fragrance-free skin life.

6) Use of moisturizer at the wrong time

If you are using your moisturizer at the wrong time, then you can’t get the most benefit from this. If you want to get more benefits from your moisturizer. You should use it twice in a day such as once in the morning and again in the evening as well. First put on serums and then apply moisturizer. In this way water in the skin combats dryness. Wait for some time and you can see that skin will dry out completely.

7) Use of too much moisturizer

The use of too much moisturizer can seriously affect your body’s skin. It can impact your natural skin balance by reducing the production of less natural oil from the skin than it should. It can be responsible for harmful dry skin.

8) Live bad weather like harsh, cold, and dry climates

The weather conditions are also one of the other factors of skin dryness. If you are living in a harsh, dry, or cold climate, it is responsible for skin dryness. It is necessary to spend some more time outside from these weather conditions. You need to cover up your skin with coats, hats, and gloves to protect your skin from this climate. It is also necessary to use a humidifier for your home and office as well as in the car. This thing helps you a lot with skin dryness.

9) Less use of drinking water: 

It is not enough to get hydration from outside sources. It also needs to take water inside your body. If you are not drinking water in the required amount. You may see the dryness on the skin due to this. It is necessary to take at least 15 -16 liters of water in a day. Take simple water for drinking water, otherwise, you can also take caffeine-free herbal teas as hot beverages in the cold season. Use liquid foods instead of hard dry food like fresh vegetable soups. It is also a good way to get hydrated.

10) Lack of enough nutrients: 

For good skin health, it is necessary to get enough nutrients. If you are not getting important minerals and vitamins, You can’t fulfill the requirement of skin vitamins like Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and zinc. If you are getting naturally from your diet, it is very good for your health.

11) Suffering from diseases: 

Suffering from some other diseases can cause side effects such as skin dryness. The well-known skin conditions are eczema and dermatitis. Health like diabetes, thyroid disorders, renal failures, and HIV can create serious side effects. You can consult a doctor if you are getting problems from these issues.

12) Side effects of poor medications

Poor medication can also harm your skin and be responsible for skin dryness as well as some more serious health issues. There are a different kind of treatments like blood pressure drugs, cholesterol medications, and wrinkle creams that can dry out the skin. In some cases, the effects are temporary but in other conditions, it can dry out skin for a long time.


Sometimes ethnicity and genetics, have a significant impact on the person having dry skin. Aging is another reason that can cause dry skin. In old age, you can experience, Your skin producing less natural oil for moisturization. It is responsible for skin dryness. You may find this at the age of over 60. You can lose the elasticity and the ability to retain moisture. It is just a hormonal change with the change of age. Aging also affects the process of healing skin. Skin replacements with skin commonly happen in daily routine. The dead skin cells are found in this skin. This extra layer of skin makes it dry skin.

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