Brief Guide to increase punching power.

Punching power is a sports technique. It’s very difficult to increase the punching power. It’s a technique to win against an opponent in sports. It also increases the ability to destroy your opponent in a sport. It is very good to defend yourself in the game. It is also good for self-defense. It can be helpful to win boxing competitions you can practice this for personal fitness or to increase your internal strength and body fitness even increase your punching power with the raw practice if you want to perfect your punching power you need to focus on your fitness and body strength.

This requires some explosive warm-ups and core supersets, and they also become core exercises during the tapering phase. It can also be used during technical training, sparring and fighting warm-ups to help them energize and make them feel strong, smart, and powerful. You may expect great outcomes from swim-specific training that are good for improvements in hand speed, stroke density, and effective weight. Choose exercises that increase the strength of the kinetic chain sequence from the feet to the punch, training and signaling a powerful rotation of the hips and torso.

Increase Punching Power
Increasing Punching Power

Table Of Contents

These are Terms to Improve Punching Power

Rate Of Force Development

It is the quantity of force generation  in less  amount of time

Kinetic Chain Sequence of foot and fist

The potential of force transfer efficiently from the foot to the fist.

Hand Speed  –

The potential to move the fist toward the target in less amount of time.

Double Peak In Activation With  Snap –

The potential of force generation is quicker than waiting to optimize the speed of the punching fist towards the aim before the second peak in muscle activation is known as the ‘Snap’. This is a fast contraction of the muscles in the hips, core, and upper limbs.

Balance, Poise, And Ground Reaction Force–

It is necessary to land punches in a solid style and position, with the maximum amount of weight on the rear foot.

These are Some Punching Exercises to Improve Speed and Power:

Landmine Punch Exercise 

Landmine punch is an important exercise used to improve punching power. Landmine punches are generally used to generate hand speed, strength, and effective mass. This exercise will help to generate the kinetic chain system that is important in delivering rear-hand straight punches.

The Landmine Punch extends a forceful hip and solid rotation, which is important for transferring force generated from the upper body to the hips. It is necessary to hold the Landmine Punch in high intensity due to the axis of the bar. The trajectory of the bar is beneficial for the punch as it extends force to be produced in the rear foot. This is expectable when throwing backhand punches.

Banded Shadow Boxing Exercise

The ‘Banded Shadow Box’ is a good exercise to help fire up and trigger the lower body with a range of punches and combinations.⁣ ⁣It is necessary to generate the glutes with warm-up and the tapering phase⁣. This can also be a good exercise to enhance technique, as it over-emphasizes the importance of the lower body with punches.

Landmine Punch Throws Technique

It is known that 90% of the impact force is managed by impulse. This increases hand speed and is the main contributor to improved force. The Landmine Punch Throw is an amazing exercise to increase hand speed, and important to implement these during speed-strength phases for punching power.

The throw with hand power increases hand speed as there is no need to decrease the speed at the top of the movement. This means that the athlete can accelerate with the punching action, which will have a positive delivery-to-hand speed. Perform 3-5 repetitions x 3-5 sets. This exercise is more important during a gym workout.

Landmine Punch With Iso Hold Workout.

Efficient quality is the aspect used to refer to the “moment” of the photograph. This needs the entire body to brace itself for impact. Punching needs full body force, but the important contributors are the arms, shoulder joints, and core muscles. It depends on the skills and techniques. The potential for stable impact takes years of practice. However, it is a very simple and faster technique to improve the punching force with physical transformations.

Changing someone else’s style can take time. Solid quality can be improved with the help of general strength and specific training methods such as powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and core training. The isometric grip landmine punch workout needs the physical trainer to apply pressure to the bar as the athlete fully extends in the striking motion.

This will help the athlete to create force in the muscles of the arms with the lower body in less amount of time, It also helps in the “explosive power” of the movement. This also triggers the “double activation” pattern in boxing, making Thunder Isometric Boxing a very effective exercise to increase punching power. Perform 3-5 reps x 3-5 sets while training strength and speed.

Isometric  Punch Holds Workout

This is a good workout that you can do with your warm-up and cool-down phases. Equal bits increase the end-hole region’s core stiffness, force, and stability. This full-body force can be an effective tool for triggering the muscles that help you hit the ball. This makes it a perfect strengthening technique for boxers to use during workouts and warm-up exercises. Build and apply force and strength for 3 to 5 seconds to strengthen your core muscles, shoulders, and lower body. Repeat the process 1-2 times on both sides using jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts.

Watch video to increase punching Power

Choose one of the methods to increase punching power given Below 

Use  Punching  Drill for Strength :

Use of a punching drill is one good practice to increase the strength in your body and you can easily hate your practice on it as much as you can do your punches slowly on the drill it can

Choose cardio exercise daily  :

This can help you in different ways if you are fit and use your upper body part while punching you should also use the whole body part, especially cardio and you can useful power with the help of cardio exercises so that you can put your extra effort on the punches

Exercise to balance weight.

Start some exercise to balance the body weight it is very necessary for punching because you need to balance your body while punching for this thing it is necessary to use a dumbbell lift some heavy or lightweight to balance your body weight.

Play with the ball 

It’s not enough to balance the body weight for the punching there is also some techniques to speed up your punches

This will help you to increase hand speed because the lower load extends to higher movement speed, which helps to improve punching power and explosiveness. The medicine ball is a shot closest to the backhand shot as it can develop a quick movement chain to increase punching power.

The other important advantage of the medicine ball jab is that it can be easily modified to include a variety of specific parts that can be transferred to boxing performances. We can combine head and foot defense with targeted backkicks.

Jump with the help of Rope : 

Jumping with the Rope is just like playing with kids but it can improve your coordination, reaction speed, and blood circulation as well. you should try this for times a week for at least 40 minutes.

Focus on Position for the powerful Punch : 

Position yourself in the correct way to hit a powerful punch if you are not focusing on your position so you may hit a weak punch. For the good position: 

Improve Breathe

With the help of good breathing even focusing on the position of your punches can put your body and mind so that you can hit the punches strongly in a good position. Improve this with these techniques: 

Focus on Target : 

If you want a perfect hit on the target he should choose an aim before punching, this will leave some good effect on the target. There are different kinds of pouches to throw on the target. Some of them are : 

Move full body while Punching : 

To increase the punching power it is necessary to move the body according to the arm of the body when you move the body with your arms you can fully put your weight and power of the body to the punch which leads to an increase in the power in the punch you can do this with the following techniques.

Use Legs : 

You can use your legs while punching because this has a large amount of muscles in your body. This can give you extra power in your punches sometimes it depends on the type of punches that you are going to use.

Don’t Overextend Yourself : 

For a powerful punch, don’t overextend it. Solid hits are transferred according to your reach. If you extend so much, it will reduce the force of the punch. Try to deliver a full length of motion. Move back or forward until you’re sure your arm isn’t overextended. If you stretch your body too far, you won’t be able to utilize your full body weight. This will cause a weaker force. The perfect arm extension depends on your body shape and arm length. A good rule of thumb is just to avoid extending your hand arms outward. Rather, it must always make some difference.


It’s very important to focus on speed and techniques to enhance the power of the punches it can increase your confidence level in the boxing competition as well as improve your overall fitness and body health you can also increase the punching power without any equipment. you can use simple fitness exercises like push up pull up and stretching etc. Join sports activities to play Football Volleyball and basketball etc. These small things can help you to get fit for the power punching.

Some people make the mistake of equating punching speed with power. To generate the power, it is necessary to differentiate between punching speed and power. A faster punch will not generate force unless there is power and strength. Hitting the ball faster and continuously can reduce your ability to hit hard.

This kind of exercise focuses on some of the general nature of the power stroke. These include speed, power output, power chain system, and end-of-run shots. Boxing conditioning should focus majorly on traditional strength training methods to increase high speed. Specific boxing exercises can help to transform these power-producing qualities into boxing moves. Boxing-specific exercises should be used as basic exercises in the strength, speed, speed, and power phases, as well as a useful process during the warm-up.

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