10 Simple And Easy To Practice Yoga Poses For Beginners. 

Yoga for beginners.

Starting a new routine is difficult, but when you take an initial step and execute a plan, it can be done. If you’re looking to start practicing yoga regularly, this guide includes everything you need to know about yoga poses for beginners, get some tips to increase your fitness level. Also, you’ll discover the amazing benefits of yoga positions so you can start getting the benefits of your practice. Always, mind to warm up before you start and then cool down with some basic stretching exercises. practice each pose slowly and do this gently while learning.

Yoga poses for beginners.
Yoga poses for beginners

The history of yoga is about 4000 to 5,000 years in North India and has its origin in cultural philosophy. Yoga was generally known as a spiritual practice, It gained popularity for physical and mental health. The popularity of amazing and ancient practices has increased in the United States as well as other parts of the world in recent years, There are more than  50 million people practicing yoga at present. 

Simple yoga poses

Check out the various yoga poses. These yoga poses depend on fitness and way of practice. Also, It depends on body requirements.

Standing poses : 

It can help you to warm up and “build heat”, Standing postures are joined in long sequences in flow postures or vinyasa. 


As a  beginner,  you can start with some extension and flexibility of the spine before going to deeper backbends. Many people don’t try back exercises in daily life. Therefore, It is necessary to get good knowledge before starting these exercises.

Balancing Poses: 

To start yoga, it’s essential to increase the strength required for advanced yoga. It is difficult to balance the body during yoga practice. It can be improved with regular practice.

Lying or Resting Pose: 

The resting pose is also known as the child pose, It is just a rest during yoga classes. 


It is stretching of the hamstrings and glutes. It is also known as stretching exercises. It is performed during body warm-up.

There are 10 Yoga poses for beginners.
Yoga poses for Beginners

1). Tadasana : 

This pose helps you to stand as a mountain. The word “Tadaand” is a Hindi word, it means the mountain from which it derives its name.

 It can help you to build muscles and improve balance. It is the first position of all other asanas. Stand with your heels and hang your arms with your body. Lift and stretch your toes and gently spread your feet, then gently lower them to the floor. Put body weight on your feet. Raise your ankles and strengthen your hamstrings by turning them inside. Release your shoulders away from your head.

 Widen the collarbones. Your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles should be in line. Stand against a wall to check the alignment. Stretch and lift your arms.

2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) : 

It is also identified as a foundation. This can Improve the balance body, increase the strength legs, and straighten the back bones. It is needed to maintain a stable position like a tree. Put your right thigh on your left thigh. Keep your left leg straight and balance your body. To inhale, up your arms above your head, and get your palms together. Straight your spine and take multiple deep breaths. Exhale slowly, then lower your hands and relax your right leg. Get back to the standing position and repeat with the other leg.

3. Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Position) : 

This will help you to stretch the hamstrings and chest. Straight the spine as well as provide additional blood flow to the head. This will make you feel energetic. Sit on your heels, stretch your arms forward on the floor, and lower your head. Push up with your hands, support your legs, and slowly raise your hips to form a table.

4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) : 

This pose consists of stretches the legs, mobilizes the hips, and increases deep breathing, resulting in a tonic effect. Need to stand with your feet. Stretch your right foot (90 degrees) keeping your leg close to your torso. Press your feet onto the floor and Put body weight on both feet. Bend your right arm and touch it to the floor as you raise your left arm. Make sure your body is leaning to one side, not forward or backward.

5. Kursiasana (Chair Pose) : 

This is a very powerful pose that increases your leg strength and arm muscles. It develops your inner energy and has an amazing effect on your mind and body. Stand on your feet slightly. Stretch your arms without bending your elbows. Inhale and bend your knees, pushing your pelvis down as if you were sitting in a chair. Put your hands parallel to the floor and your back straight. 

6. Naukasana (Boat Pose) : 

Tight your abdominal muscles and keep straight your shoulders and upper back. This gives you a sense of stability. Relax on your mat with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Get a deep breath as you exhale accordingly, and smartly lift your chest and feet off the floor. Stretch your hands toward your feet. Need to align eyes, fingers, and toes. 

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) :

Let’s straighten your lower back muscles while relaxing your spine and triceps as well as open your chest to encourage inhalation. This process also makes the spine flexible. Lie on your stomach with your feet together. Put your hands on the mat below your shoulders, lift your waist, and lift your head as you inhale. Keep your elbows straight and Place equal pressure on your palms. 

8) Chakravakasana (cat-cow stretch)

Kind of Pose: Backbend

Cat-cow stretches give flexibility for both spinal extension and spinal. With movement towards backward and forward. When you move back and forth, it warms and flexes your back. This is helpful in back pain.

9). Sukhasana (easy pose)

Kind of Pose: Seated

This is an easy pose that every beginner can perform. This is simply a meditation pose and you can relax your body with this pose. To perform this easy pose, need to sit on crossed legs on the floor and put your hands palms up on your knees as well as keep your spine as straight as possible.

10). Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

Pose type: Standing

To do this pose, stand up straight, exhale, and bend down to touch your hands on the floor, allowing your head to hang heavy. Your legs can be gently bent with your feet hip-width apart.


If you’re fit or “out of shape”, young or older, there are different yoga poses for every age group. For yoga practice, you don’t have to be flexible. Yoga practice depends on the ability to perform. 

For example,

 From ankle or knee problems, some poses will be more Challenging । It will be more challenging because of ankle and knee problems.

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